Chiropractic Care

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Chiropractic Healthcare

People of all ages seek chiropractic care for a variety of problems including headaches, migraines, neck and back pain, sciatica as well as injuries relating to sports, work and everyday living.

Your nervous system controls everything you do. Chiropractic care can help to restore the balance of your nervous system, stimulating the vital flow of energy and information throughout your body.

The philosophy is simple: if your nervous system is working properly the body is better able to heal itself and perform at its full potential. A healthy spine and nervous system can help anyone at any time in their life regardless of age, condition, or symptoms.

With more and more people looking for a natural approach to healthcare, chiropractic is the fastest growing wellness profession in the world. It’s now the third largest primary healthcare profession in the west after medicine and dentistry, and is legally recognized in over 45 countries.

At your first visit, our chiropractors will complete a thorough health history, physical and functional assessment. They will then devise and discuss a plan for your ongoing care.

Spinal Care

Chiropractic spinal manipulation and chiropractic care is generally considered safe and effective for many types of back and joint problems

Back Pain

Over 79% of people will suffer from lower back pain at some time in their life -from muscle spasm, disc injury, lifting injury, falls, sports injuries, pinched nerve, prolonged sitting or standing injuries. Low back pain ranges from stiffness getting out of bed to crippling pain.


“Sciatica refers to an irritation of the sciatic nerve that begins at the base of your spine. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and roughly the diameter of a finger. It is formed from many branches in the lower spine and sacrum which join together and extend all the way down the back of your leg with branches to your foot and big toe.

Neck Pain and Headaches

Neck pain can be caused by impact injury such as whiplash from contact sport through to motor vehicle accidents, poor posture, degenerative joint disease, neck sprain from the gym, workplace lifting injuries and many more. These sorts of injuries can result in pain locally at the neck or regionally in the upper back, middle back, shoulders, arms, hand and fingers.

Some neck injuries or problems can cause radiating pain and or pins and needles in the forearm, wrist, hand and fingers. Headaches can be the result of problems in the neck or muscles associated with the neck. Headaches can have many causes other than the neck and spine.

Chiropractors are trained to help identify the cause of headaches and in many cases help alleviate the discomfort. We will help to identify if your neck pain or headaches may respond to Chiropractic.


Nothing has a greater impact on your spine than the way you stand, sit and sleep. Prolonged sitting has a much higher incidence of neck and postural related problems. Our reliance on computers and mobile phones combined with long hours at a desk are the ultimate culprit. We can help identify postural problems and causes.


Good Chiropractic care addresses more than just headaches, neck and back pain. We aim to optimize spinal function to help you get and stay feeling better, more energetic and enjoy life in a healthier way.

We may discuss incorporating specific exercises to aid correcting a problem or to keep you feeling better or we may suggest alternative ways that you can help yourself to feeling better.

You do not have to be in pain or have an injury to benefit from Chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic is a unique approach to healthcare. It’s simple, safe and scientific.

Chiropractic works with your body and its amazing ability to keep you healthy. Chiropractic recognizes four simple facts;

  • Your body is self-healing and regulating, it is always striving towards health.
  • Your brain and body are in constant communication through your nervous system - the master control system of your entire body.
  • Any interference to your nervous system, can result in a breakdown in the communication between your brain and body, and can compromise your body’s ability to function well.
  • The role of your Chiropractor is to help improve brain-body communication allowing improved nervous system function and wellbeing through the correction of spine function. Corrections are brought about through gentle and specific spinal adjustments.

The purpose of chiropractic is to help people reach and maintain optimal health and wellbeing through care of their spine and nervous system.


Under development. More to come.